17 Types Of People You See In Every Exam, Which One Are You?

1.The completely calm and collected guy Preparation level:Incredibly intelligent or have just accepted their fate. There’s always one person who’s completely un-phased by the fact that they’re sitting an exam. That could effect their entire future. Forever. Seriously, why aren’t they panicking?? 2.The person who’s gazing around at everything Preparation level:Lalala… This is probably you as well if you’ve noticed them gazing around. This realisation will then send you into a panicked writing frenzy. 3.The one who asks, “Have you got a spare pen?” Preparation level:Where am I? Coming to an exam without a pen? Impressive. Level up. 4.The person who asks for more answer booklets Preparation level:Superhuman. They can’t have genuinely finished one paper after 15 minutes, definitely got huge handwriting, all other explanations are physically impossible. 5.The hand raisers Preparation level:Done enough revision but still freaking the Bleep out. Like the hellraisers of exams, but not – obviously. No matter what they want; answers, booklets, pens, you hate them for it. 6.The Who even is this? guy Preparation level:Not been to any lectures, yet will probably still do better than you. They added you on facebook at the start of the year and you know they’re on your course, yet this is the grand unveiling of this person into the physical world. 7.The inappropriate talker Preparation level:Done no revision because they don’t take the exam process seriously. When invigilators say “No form of contact allowed”, most of us avoid it like the plague. However, some think that smiling, making eye contact, and – god forbid – whispering are all acceptable in exams. Stop that. 8.The silent sobbers Preparation level:Just let me go home. For some people it all just gets to be too much. They might have done more than enough revision, but they have a total nervous breakdown nonetheless. 9.The OH-MY-GOD-I-HAVEN’T-STARTED-WRITING-WHY-AM-I-GETTING-SO-DISTRACTED guy Preparation level:Done enough to get an average grade, but had better things to do than revision. Like watch netflix and stare at a wall. This person is initially perhaps too relaxed about the exam situation as a whole. After a bit of casual gazing, doodling and light note-making, they will suddenly come to their senses half an hour into the exam when they frantically start writing/crying. 10.The one who claims to have done no revision, but aces the exam. Preparation level:Spent the last month in the library. They say exactly the same thing before every exam, and yet seem to miraculously fill more than one answer booklet and get no less than a 2:1. Alright then. 11.The one who genuinely didn’t do any revision, and fails the exam. Preparation level:Briefly glanced at notes. Dying inside. “Honestly, I haven’t done any revision… No seriously.” This person calmly jokes about how they haven’t done any revision, until you look over to see them in a panicked sweat, wide-eyed at their exam paper. 12.The snoozer Preparation level:Why did I bother? Having a cheeky sleep during an exam is often preferable. They’re called power naps for a reason, right? 13.The wired and ready Preparation level:Buzzing. There’s only so many energy drinks, pro-plus and neon highlighter pens one person can take. This person will arrive to an exam ready to kick Bottom, and be found shortly afterwards having crashed in a corridor. 14.The irritatingly noisy one Preparation level:Don’t care. Just stop it. When you’re mid-nervous exam breakdown, you will find yourself fantasizing about killing the person who keeps clicking and crunching their water bottle, kicking their table or clicking their pen. Please, exist elsewhere. 15.The one that’s completely lost the will to live Preparation level:Just no. After looking at their question paper, they will sit with a defeated expression on their face, pen on the table, and answer booklet closed. You can panic on their behalf, but it’s likely that they’ve accepted their fate and are instead thinking about vodka by this point. 16.The one who’s absolutely hanging Preparation level:Oh well. Also known as ‘completely lost the will to live – but yesterday’, this person decided all hope was lost and chose to go out the night before instead. Trooper. 17.The person who leaves an hour early Preparation level:Mastermind? Given up? Who even knows… Have you actually finished and written enough to get a decent grade? How? Who did you sell your soul to? Please take me with you?


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